Woo Hoo!!! Are you Ready??
Hey All!
Are you ready for another swap?
I've checked the calendar, as
Canada Post states that to be
delivered by Christmas packages
and such must be mailed out
by November 15th.....crazy isn't it?
Hence why I don't receive Christmas
cards from Family and Friends until
January most years!
So that all being said, I've 'plotted'
the calendar, so if you're into jumping
in and joining in another swap,
we'll do a quickie swap hoping for a
quick mail turn-a-bout!
And Guess Who's Co-Hosting???
Woo Hoo!!!
Our Own
And I keep forgetting to give
You All a Link to
Nancy's Wonderful Blog!!!!
You can see Fabulous Examples
of Nancy's work as well as an
occasional Freebie!!!
So's here's the Skinny for the New 'Quickie' Swap!!!
But a Twist!!!!!!
They are only
2 inches x 2 inches!!!!
That's right, 2 x 2's x 3....grin
That's confusing isn't it?
Use a 2 inch x 2 inch
base, ( I cut chipboard)
Use 3 of them to create one
picture ( that's the triptych)
make 3 different sets of them
for the swap!
2 sets will be swapped out with
the other Participating Artists
1 set will be swapped out with me :)
Nancy's so Kindly Donating
a $25 Gift Certificate
Crowabout StudioB
for the
Giveaway Drawing!!!!
There's no Theme!!!
Can be anything you'd like, just
Crowabout StudioB Graphics!
Here's the Details on
How to Enter!
To be Entered
in the
2 x 2 Triptych Swap
Please send a
PayPal 'GIFT' Invoice
(Family and Friends
Section on Paypal)
for the amount of $5
for the
return postage and handling
( tucking in extra goodies)
Birdnuts Mixed Media
(By sending the invoice to me as a 'Gift'
it saves both you and I the fee's and
charges Paypal would be charging
either of us. )
(I am limiting to only
20 Participating
Artists in this Swap
(so that way I have the time
to make the 20 sets of
the Triptychs for the swap and to
have all the envelopes ready to get
posted at the Giveaway Deadline Date)
The Deadline
to actually have your
3 Sets of Triptych's
Made and Mailed out
on their way to me is
October 26th!!!
I Know!!!
I can hear you all saying 'but that's
only a week away!!!' LOL!
That's right, you have 1 week to have
them made, and mailed out, as it will
take up to 2 + weeks for them to
arrive here!!!
So no feet dragging in this swap! LOL!
And the Deadline to
receive them all is
November 7th!
As the
Drawing for the Giveaway
of the $25 Gift Certificate
to Nancy's
Crowabout Studio B
Will be Announced on
Friday, November 8th, 2013!!
Told you this was a
Quickie Swap!! LOL!
With the Christmas Season just
around the corner, this will very likely
be the Last Swap for this year here
Birdnuts Mixed Media
due to the slowness of the Mail Service
until Year's End....
So hope you'll all jump and and go for it!!
( I will still have a Giveaway or two
before Year's End, so do check in
occasionally so you don't miss out :)
Oliver Howard says 'Get Going!!'
Thanks All!
And Big Thanks to

Deviant Scrap.com!!!!